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Diamond Sponsor $8,000.00 USD

Entitlement to the following benefits:

  • Right to have a space of 3mts x 3mts = 9mts square in the commercial exhibition area of the Congress.

  • Right to place your logo in Illustrator format and 60-second video on the Congress website.

  • Right to randomly transmit a video of 60 seconds maximum during conferences.

  • The right to place your logo on the chair covers that will be placed in the plenary conference area of the
    Congress or on the folders that will be given to all participants.

  • Right to place your logo on the digital signage totems at the Congress luncheon, refreshments and dinner dance.

  • Entitlement to four complimentary registrations to participate in the conferences, refreshments, luncheons and dinner dance of the Congress. Each additional complimentary registration badge will have a special cost for the sponsor of $500.00.

  • Entitlement to four badges for booth personnel with the right to participate in the refreshments and lunches of the Congress. Each additional badge for booth personnel will have a cost of $165.00.

  • Right to obtain the list of participants in the Congress, who agree to share their data according to the data privacy law. At this point it is important to emphasize that less and less people allow to share their data so it is suggested to the sponsors to carry out creative and original activities in their respective booth to promote the collection of data from the attendees.

Gold Sponsor $5,300.00 USD

Entitlement to the following benefits:

  • Right to have a space of 3mts x 3mts = 9mts square in the commercial exhibition area of the Congress.

  • Right to place your logo in Illustrator format and 60-second video on the Congress website.

  • The right to randomly transmit a video of 60 seconds maximum, during the conferences of the Congress.

  • ï‚·Right to place your logo on the digital signage totems of the Congress refreshments.

  • Entitlement to three complimentary registrations with the right to participate in the conferences, refreshments, lunches and dinner dance of the Congress. Each additional complimentary registration badge will have a special cost of $500.00 for the sponsor.

  • Entitlement to three badges for booth personnel with the right to participate in the refreshments and lunches of the Congress. Each additional badge for booth personnel will have a cost of $165.00.

  • Right to place the logo on the badge holders or on the bags that will be given to all participants.

  • Right to obtain the list of participants in the Congress who agree to share their data according to the data privacy law. At this point it is important to emphasize that less and less people allow to share their data so it is suggested to the sponsors to carry out creative and original activities in their respective booth to promote the collection of data from the attendees.

Bronze Sponsor $3,200.00 USD

Entitlement to the following benefits:

  • Right to have a space of 3x3mts = 9mts squared in the commercial exhibition area.

  • Right to place your logo in Illustrator format and 60-second video on the Congress website.

  • The right to two complimentary registrations to participate in the conferences, refreshments, lunches and dinner dance of the Congress. Each additional complimentary registration badge will have a special cost of $500.00 for the sponsor.

  • The right to two badges for booth personnel and participation in the refreshments and lunches of the
    Congress. Each additional badge for booth personnel will have a cost of $165.00.

  • Right to obtain the list of participants who agree to share their data according to the data privacy law. At this point it is important to emphasize that less and less people allow to share their data so it is suggested to the sponsors to carry out creative and original activities in their respective booth to promote the collection of data from the attendees.

To obtain all the benefits listed above, the sponsoring company must pay 100% of the value of the
sponsorship to the Panama Banking Association.

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